Adult Programs & Services
Search the events calendar for upcoming programs and activities
NEW FREE SERVICE! Watch virtual talks from bestselling authors | Sign up for livestream of monthly talks or watch past talks at any time
Cypress Resume | Create a professional resume, cover letter, and reference sheet using this free online tool
Adult services and reference staff can help you find the perfect book. We can also show you how to download a new issue of your favorite magazine at one of our help sessions, teach you to sew, or encourage you to try something new like painting, 3D printing, or yoga.
We host game nights and social events for adults, and we show our Albany Pride with our local history programs and tours. We also partner with numerous organizations to offer programs that empower adults, like small business start-up workshops, legal and financial consultations, high school equivalency classes, homeowner workshops, and much more!
Below is just a sampling of what we offer all year round at all seven of our neighborhood branches. Check out our events calendar or our latest program guide for the complete schedule and program descriptions!
Arts, Crafts, & Creativity

Join us for a variety of arts programs that encourage creativity, including:
- memoir writing
- pottery
- painting
- sewing
- jewelry design
Experiment with new tools and technology in our Albany Made Creative Lab, or head over to Creative Bug for free arts and crafts classes.

We offer a variety of programs to entertain our adult patrons, including:
- Live music performances
- Movie screenings
- Poetry slams
and more! Check out our online calendar for a complete schedule.
Book Groups & Literature Discussions

Join us for fiction and nonfiction book discussions and literary events!
The Washington Avenue Branch hosts our longstanding weekly Friends and Foundation of the Albany Public Library book reviews and author talks. We also host a variety of other literary events throughout the year, so be sure to check our online calendar or program guide for a complete listing!
Computers & Technology

Check out our events calendar to find programs designed to improve your technology skills and understanding.
Schedule an appointment for one-on-one assistance with the basics of using a computer and the Internet, creating resumes, and filling out online job applications. If you have a new eReader or tablet, we can help get you started downloading library eBooks and digital magazines, too.
Job Skills & Career Development

Looking for a new job? Work on your resume or fill out online job applications at any of our branches using our public computers. We also maintain a list of Free Job Search Assistance and Resume Help in the Capital Region. Check out our events calendar for more information & events.
Cypress Resume | Create a professional resume, cover letter, and reference sheet using this free online tool.
SkillUp Capital Region | This online portal allows job seekers to explore career pathways, view local job postings, register for free online learning, and receive workforce services. Employers can search for qualified candidates, post jobs, and receive in-depth consulting to address hiring and training needs.
High School Equivalency Prep Classes

Do you need to prepare to take your HSE (formerly known as the GED)?
We partner with Capital Region BOCES to provide classes for all students 18 or older who lack a high school diploma and have left school. The program is free and features instruction by a certified teacher in the five required areas of study.
Legal & Financial Resources and Workshops

Legal and financial resources can be hard to come by, so we partner with local organizations to bring them to you for free. These programs include:
- Legal or financial advice
- Credit repair assistance
- Homebuyer workshops & fairs
- Free federal income tax preparation
Programs and workshops are listed in our events calendar and program guide.