View the candidate biographies and photos  Watch the candidate forum (Updated 6/9/20) How to submit ballots: (1) Hand deliver ballot to the school district lock box by 5 pm on June 9 OR (2) Mail ballot so the school district receives it by June 16 There are seven candidates on the ballot for tw...

APL Executive Director Scott C. Jarzombek wrote an article for the New York Library Association advocating for a thoughtful, nuanced approach to safely reopen public libraries. "Reopening is not flipping a switch. It will be slowly adjusting a dial," Jarzombek wrote. "We turn it up and down, slowl...

UPDATE: The library hosted an information session on May 7 about what it's like to be a trustee. You can view the video on YouTube. The APL trustee election will now be held on Tuesday, June 9, via absentee ballot as set forth by an executive order from Gov. Andrew Cuomo.  There are two trustee s...