Stories & Art in the Parks

June 30, 2015 | Youth Services

We had such a great time venturing out of the library and into Washington Park for story time yesterday! Did you miss it? Don't worry--we're doing it again every Monday this summer. APL is partnering with the City of Albany's Department of Recreation and Albany Barn for a six-week series of story...

Summer Reading Fun Starts Now!

June 26, 2015 | Youth Services

  [embed][/embed] School is out and summer reading is in at Albany Public Library! Starting Saturday, June 27, through Saturday, Aug. 22, APL encourages reading by providing prizes and special activities to keep kids and teens engaged and entertained during those ...

Albany History Race Wins Award

June 11, 2015 | Local History

Way to go team APL! We were honored to receive the 2014 Upper Hudson Library System Adult Program of the Year Award for the “Albany History Race” program at a ceremony on June 10. “Albany History Race” was a one-day team competition involving quick visits to many historic buildings and site...


June 5, 2015 | Music

Did you ever want to hear yourself on the radio? Did you used to play DJ and announce songs for your friends? On two occasions, local independent radio station 97.7 WEXT visited the library and gave kids and teens the chance to do just that! WEXT DJ Chris Wienk came into the Youth Services room of ...

Got a free hour at lunch time on Tuesdays? Head on over to the Washington Ave. Branch and participate in the lively and engaging book talks hosted by the Friends of Albany Public Library! The weekly book talks include reviews of timely and classic works, as well as author talks and special programs...