2025 Trustee Election
- Two board seats (5-year terms) are up for election on May 20, 2025
- Candidate Nomination Information Packet PDF
- Presentation PDF: “Thinking of Running for Library Trustee?” Candidate Information Session
Note: The budget vote is also on May 20. Find more information on our budget page.
Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Materials (on BoardDocs)
Agendas and minutes prior to May 2019 can be found at the bottom of this page.
Meeting Livestreams and Videos (on YouTube)
Board By-Laws (pdf)
Board Members
- Brigitte Pryor | President, 2024-2025 | Term: July 2020-June 2025 | pryorb@albanypubliclibrary.org
- Jah-Raii Gause | Vice President, 2024-2025 | Term: July 2021-June 2026 | gausej@albanypubliclibrary.org
- Paige Barnum | Vice President for Finance, 2024-2025 | Term: July 2022-June 2027 | barnump@albanypubliclibrary.org
- Andrea West | Secretary, 2024-2025 | Term: July 2022-June 2027 | westa@albanypubliclibrary.org
- Mary A. Rosch | Trustee | Term: June 2024-June 2025 | roschm@albanypubliclibrary.org
- Sarah Macinski | Trustee | Term: May 2022-June 2026 | macinskis@albanypubliclibrary.org
- Lynnette Robinson | Trustee | Term: July 2022-June 2027 | robinsonl@albanypubliclibrary.org
- Paige Allen | Trustee | Term: July 2024-June 2029 | allenp@albanypubliclibrary.org
- Jennifer Marlow | Trustee | Term: July 2024-June 2029 | marlowj@albanypubliclibrary.org
Board Committees
- Executive Committee: President Brigitte Pryor (chair), Vice President Jah-Raii Gause, Vice President for Finance Paige Barnum, Secretary Andrea West
- Audit & Finance Committee: Paige Barnum, (chair), Mary Rosch, Paige Allen
- Policy & Governance Committee: Jah-Raii Gause (chair), Lynnette Robinson, Jennifer Marlow
- Personnel Committee: Andrea West (chair), Jennifer Marlow, Paige Allen
- Facilities Committee: Sarah Macinski (chair), Mary Rosch, Paige Allen
- Nominating Committee: Sarah Macinski (chair), Lynnette Robinson, Jennifer Marlow
- Representative on Friends & Foundation of Albany Public Library Board: Brigitte Pryor
- Representative on Upper Hudson Library System Board: Sarah Macinski
Board Mission
The library’s nine-member elected Board of Trustees is charged with ensuring that the library fulfills its mission in a fiscally and operationally responsible way. Library trustees are Albany residents who are elected to five-year terms. They receive no compensation and represent the interests of the community.
- The full board meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6 pm at the Washington Ave. Branch, unless otherwise noted.
- Committees meet as needed.
- Officers are elected to one-year terms at the July meeting.
- All board and committee meetings are open to the public.
- Public comments may be shared with the board in person at the meetings, by phone at (518) 290-6905, or email publiccomment@albanypubliclibrary.org. You need to include your name and street address to have your comment read at the meeting and entered into the public record.