APL Budget Vote is May 20

March 14, 2025 | Library News

Albany city residents go to the polls Tuesday, May 20, to vote on the Albany Public Library 2025-2026 tax levy. There will also be a trustee election that day with two seats on the ballot.

The budget plan was approved by the library’s Board of Trustees at its March 11 meeting.

The proposed 2025-2026 operating tax levy of $8,257,997 reflects a 5% increase in the annual total tax levy. The increase is under this year’s New York State tax cap for APL. If approved by voters in May, this increase means that the owner of a home assessed at $250,000 would pay approximately $12.75 more in library taxes next year.

“Our primary objective is securing adequate funding for the library and all that it provides to our community,” said Board President Brigitte Pryor. “The proposed budget keeps us on the path of sustainability for the library’s services, facilities, and materials.”

“This increase is necessary to help address rising costs, and an unanticipated loss in non-tax revenue,” said APL Executive Director Andrea Nicolay. “Meanwhile we continue to work on identifying opportunities for savings, as well as alternative revenue sources that can help support core library services.”

In addition to casting ballots on the budget, voters will also select two trustees on May 20. Both positions carry full five-year terms, which commence on July 1, 2025. Nominating packets are available at all seven APL branches, and on the library website. Potential candidates have until April 30 to submit petitions with 51 signatures from qualified voters to the City School District of Albany, which runs the library’s vote.

The library is hosting a budget information session and meet-the-candidate forum on Tuesday, May 6, at 6 pm at the Washington Ave. Branch.

Proposed 2025-26 Library Budget

Tax Impact of Proposed Budget

Stephanie Simon

Stephanie Simon is manager of APL's Communication and Creative Services Department, which provides content and information for the library's website, social media, publications, videos, podcasts, and other outlets. Stephanie also manages APL's public relations and marketing efforts.