All branches will be CLOSED on THURSDAY 7/4.

Library Board to Hold Special Virtual Meeting on March 24

March 19, 2020 | Library News

The Albany Public Library Board of Trustees has called a special meeting on Tuesday, March 24, at 6 pm to discuss how the coronavirus closure is impacting library services and staff. The meeting will take place virtually.

The board will discuss several items: (1) an updated continuation of service and reopening plan,  (2) status of the current service plan during the library closure, and (3) staffing. The staffing discussion will take place in an executive session because this item involves collective negotiations pursuant to article fourteen of the Civil Service Law. As required by New York State’s Open Meetings Law, all board actions will take place during the open session.

Due to state and federal recommendations about attendance at group gatherings, the special board meeting will not be open to in-person public attendance. Instead, the meeting will be conducted using virtual tools in accordance with Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order 202.1. The board expects to continue holding meetings virtually until further notice.

The trustees, library administrators, and counsel will attend the meeting using the Google Meet video conference platform. The meeting will be livestreamed on APL’s YouTube channel so the public can watch the proceedings as they happen. The meeting will also be recorded and the video will be available for anyone to watch on YouTube. The meeting minutes will also be posted to the library’s BoardDocs site after they are approved.

The library trustees welcome comments from the public. Until further notice, comments for the board can be made by emailing If comments are received by noon on Tuesday, March 24, they will be made available to the board members prior to that night’s meeting.

Stephanie Simon

Stephanie Simon is manager of APL's Communication and Creative Services Department, which provides content and information for the library's website, social media, publications, videos, podcasts, and other outlets. Stephanie also manages APL's public relations and marketing efforts.